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Hi! I am Darla. I hope you find something you can serve to your family. These are some of our family favorites!

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Chocolate Cream Pie

Ingredients 6 T Cornstarch 6 heaping T cocoa powder 1 C Sugar 1/2 t Salt 4 Eggs+ + *4 egg whites* 4¼ C Milk 1t Vanilla (I use 2tsp) 2 Tbsp Butter
 6 Tbsp sugar for meringue. 2 baked deep dish pie shells

NOTE**reserve all 8 egg whites for meringue. Save other 4 yolks for another use** 

 Stir together cornstarch, cocoa, sugar, salt in a saucepan. Pour enough of the milk in sauce pan to stir together well. In a Pyrex measuring cup heat the remaining milk 5 min. in microwave. Separate eggs putting the whites in mixing bowl for meringue (set aside whites). Whisk 4 yolks into cornstarch mixture, add a little hot milk whisking constantly to temper eggs cook over medium heat til thick stirring constantly. add 2 Tbsp butter and vanilla turn off heat. Pour in baked pie shell.

 Meringue 4 egg whites **for each pie** 6 t sugar Beat together well til peaks form. Spread meringue on pie sealing all the way to the edges. Bake at 350 for ten minutes or til brown 

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