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Hi! I am Darla. I hope you find something you can serve to your family. These are some of our family favorites!

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Laundry Soap

RECIPE Laundry Soap Ready in 30 minutes 1 bar White Zote laundry bar 1 ½ cups 20 mule team borax 1 ½ cups Arm & Hammer Washing Soda Grater 8 qt soup pot Long wood spoon Water. Clean 5 gal bucket Fill your soup pot half full of water and bring it almost to a boil.  Grate up one bar of Zote soap laundry soap. Add soap to water in the 8 qt pot, stir with a wooden spoon. Continue stirring til all melted and combined. Turn off heat.  Add 1 1/2 cups arm and hammer washing soda and 1 1/2 cups of 20 mule team Borax. Stir til It's all melted and combined. Then fill your bucket half full of warm water and pour soap into bucket one blender half full at a time that you have blended well. Or use Immersion blender.   Stir with your big wooden spoon. Add water if you need to.  At this point you can either refill your recycled laundry containers or leave it in the bucket with a measuring cup and take it to the laundry room. I use 1\8 - 1/4 - 1/2 cup Depending on the size of the load and how dirty the load.

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